What is the Meaning of Namaste?
Travel around the US and you’ll hear hundreds of regional variations on ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’. But in the realm of yoga studios, meditation retreats, and spiritual gatherings, one word of greeting is universal - Namaste.
Ever wondered about the meaning behind this term and its significance in spiritual communities? Below we delve into the origins and meanings (as well as the controversy) of Namaste.
Origin and Use: To find the meaning of Namaste we must go back to Sanskrit, an ancient language of India. Not coincidentally, the Yoga Sutras - some of the earliest texts describing the practice - were first written in this language. By combining two Sanskrit words - "Namaḥ" meaning "bow" or "obeisance" and "te" meaning "to you" - we get the word Namaste and its literal translation, "I bow to you."
(Tip: the correct pronunciation is “namas-te” and not the common “namah-ste.“)
On the one hand, this is a pretty simple explanation for the word’s popularity; at the end of most yoga classes the instructor and students bow to each other and say, “Namaste.“ However, because of a key difference between Eastern and Western spirituality, the word takes on deeper connotations.
Other Translations: It is a core tenet of Hinduism - the main religion of India and the tradition from which yoga derives - that the Divine lives within all creatures. Since God is not (only) a Being separate from us mere mortals, Namaste can also be translated as, "I bow to (or honor) the divine in you." Other reasonable translations include variations on that theme such as "the Spirit within me acknowledges the Spirit within you and all things.”
Using these translations as a guide, it is understood that the reverential bow is directed not only towards the practitioner but also the Inner Light they carry - an Inner Light which may shine more clearly after engaging in spiritual practices like yoga.
Thus, the ending bow and “Namaste” seen so often in yoga studios may be interpreted as a sign of respect for the practice and the connection it fosters with the Divine.
Controversy: In recent years there has been a move away from the practice of ending yoga sessions with “Namaste.” Teachers grounded in the Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita point out that the word does not appear in the ancient texts. Furthermore, the Sutras contain teachings on many other forms of yoga (literally ‘union,’ connoting union with the Divine) beyond the ‘hatha yoga’ or physical poses so familiar in the West. From this viewpoint, the Namaste gesture is merely a form of cultural appropriation - an uninformed or inappropriate adoption of a custom outside its original context.
The Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita are two of the key yogic texts. Namaste appears in neither.
Conclusion: Misused cliche, kind greeting, or an acknowledgment of a deep spiritual Truth - how you choose to interpret and use the word is ultimately your choice. But now that you know the word’s several meanings and the reason for its widespread use, we hope you feel empowered to make an informed choice. Thanks for reading -
Namaste. 🙏