Meaning and Values.


The Company Sean Willard The Company Sean Willard

Why We’re Building This (Sean’s Version)

Luckily with time, and with the help of many mentors, teachers, guides, and community, I was able to piece together what I now claim as my spirituality. Just as it was an evolutionary and amalgamative process from the start, it still is today! What’s changed is that I have come to feel rooted in place, in relationships, in my body, and thus my seeking no longer feels dire – rather it is life-affirming!

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Danny Sanchez Danny Sanchez

Why We’re Building This (Danny’s Version)

Meaning is more a verb than a noun. It’s your capacity to believe that your life and its events matter and that the world makes sense — that it’s organized according to a set of principles that no amount of pain or suffering could change.

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What is...? Danny Sanchez What is...? Danny Sanchez

What is Spiritual Health?

In the last few years there’s been a huge wave of increasing our attention on mental and physical health, but there is a third pillar of wellbeing that is not receiving enough attention — spiritual health. But what does spiritual health entail, and how is it different from mental health?

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What is...? Guest User What is...? Guest User

What is a Value?

Here at The PATH, you'll see us write a lot about beliefs, values, and practices.

However, this begs the question, 'what are beliefs, values, and practices?' In this post, we'll dive into our understanding of values and how values affect spiritual health.

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What is...? Guest User What is...? Guest User

What is a Belief?

Here at The PATH, you'll see us write a lot about beliefs, values, and practices. This begs the question, “what are beliefs, values, and practices?“ In this post we dive into our understanding of beliefs and how beliefs affect spiritual health.

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Guest User Guest User

The Eclipse and Spiritual Health

Yesterday, all of North America experienced the wonder of a solar eclipse. More than just a marvel of the skies, it was an invitation to reflect on our lives and our relationship to the Universe.

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Is God Real?

It is one of the most debated questions in human history. But before we can even begin to answer it, we must first ask ourselves, "What do we mean by 'God'?"

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